Desert Collar
Desert Collar

sterling silver, found wood, rutilated quartz

Desert Collar
Desert Collar

sterling silver, found wood, rutilated quartz

Shoot the Moon
Shoot the Moon

sterling silver, moonstone


Mokume & Shaku-do Inlay
Mokume & Shaku-do Inlay
Copper Forms
Copper Forms

copper forms with silk


Bone Chain Trio
Bone Chain Trio
Bat Buckles
Bat Buckles

beltbuckles with sterling silver and shibuichi

Inside-Out Rings
Inside-Out Rings
Inside-Out Ring
Inside-Out Ring

silver, raw diamond


hand fabricated chain in sterling silver, with hollow-forms and human hair

Currency, detail
Currency, detail

sterling silver, human hair

Robot Ring
Robot Ring

sterling silver, shibuichi, amber

Robot Ring
Robot Ring

sterling silver, shibuichi, amber

Copper Form
Copper Form

copper, silk, pearl

Meteorite Pendant
Meteorite Pendant

Sterling silver, mokume, emerald, druzy

Copper Forms
Copper Forms

copper forms, silk

Fungus Rings
Fungus Rings

sterling silver, shibuichi, green gold

Fungus Rings, detail
Fungus Rings, detail

sterling silver, shibuichi, green gold

Amber Collar
Amber Collar

sterling silver, amber with insect

Amber Collar
Amber Collar

sterling silver, amber with insect